Skin Care
June 05, 2008
Lately, I have been very interested in my skin. As we age, we all get lines and wrinkles. I am on a mission to learn everything I can about my skin and just what I can do to slow the process down. What I am finding out is that there is a lot of differing information out there. I guess that comes as no surprise.
Some experts say you must use a mask to exfoliate; others say it is too harsh on your skin. It does not hydrate your skin but does the opposite.
I was talking to my next door neighbour, who is from Russia, and she swears by Castor Oil. She says it makes your skin so soft. That's all she uses and her skin looks great.
I recently tried some new products and I will say I liked the look and feel of my skin; but, frankly, I couldn't read or pronounce half of the ingredients. Is this really what I want to put on my skin?
Then, there is another product line that I recently tried. It had some friendly ingredients that I could read. My skin felt very soft; but didn't have the same glow or firmness as the other product.
It's not easy deciding what we should or should not use. There is so much available out there and the prices vary greatly as well.
Recently, a well known researcher and author of healthful products and living said that it is not so much what you put on your skin that makes a difference as much as it is what you put in your body. If you can't eat it you shouldn't put it on your skin.
I started thinking about that and found there are some really interesting recipes out there to make your own skin care products. I can't say that I'm going that route, as it looks like a lot of work. However, I did try a facial cleanser made from oatmeal that was just fine, not to mention cheap.
Another idea was to put powdered milk in your bath to put protein back into your skin and apple cider vinegar to balance the ph. I haven't tried that yet, but I have started skin brushing everyday to help my body rid itself of toxins. I can honestly say, I like it and feel that my skin is looking better for it. I also tried using Castor oil on my skin and it does make your skin feel soft.
Slowing down the aging process, involves a lot more than just finding the right products for your skin. It is so much more involving good nutrition, exercise, rest and relaxation.