March 24, 2009
Do you like berries? If you do, then eat up. Mike Adams, editor for Natural News states "Berries are truly medicine from Mother Nature, and they support human health in so many ways that if berries were drugs, they would be called "miracle drugs."
Cancer patients benefit from the ellagic acid in raspberries. Now research has shown that blueberries contain "anthrocyanosides. In tests on rabbits, they found that these chemicals were effective in reducing the damage caused to brain blood vessels from a high-cholesterol diet. The anthrocyanosides helped block cholesterol from penetrating into the brain blood vessels. And since proper blood flow to the brain is essential for mental energy and health, it looks like blueberries may very well help improve brain function.
- Natural Health Secrets From Around the World by Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S.
A collaborative team of scientists at the University of Paris and the Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest extracted anthocyanosides from blueberries and injected them in rabbits eating a high cholesterol diet. The blueberry chemicals counteracted some of the ill effects of the atherosclerosis brought on by the high cholesterol diet. Rabbits fed high cholesterol plus blueberry chemicals had less severe calcium-fat deposits in their aortas and less-diseased small blood vessels in the brain than animals fed only cholesterol."
The above quotes were from the Natural News website, from which I receive their monthly newsletter.
I find it fascinating that natural whole foods offer everything we need to live healthy and be well. So why is it that we buy so much prepared, processed food. Of course, convenience is one reason; but also taste. I believe America needs to alter their taste buds; to appreciate natural, wholesome fruit and vegetables, preferably in their raw state.
However, back to blueberries. I do read a lot of info regarding nutrition and recently read, on the same site, that blueberries should not be mixed with milk. How many of us put blueberries on their cereal or in yogurt? Well, according to the latest news, we should not do that. Apparently, mixing milk with blueberries suppresses the nutritional benefits of those blueberries, quite effectively. And it's not just milk, either; proteins apparently interfere with the antioxidant properties of blueberries, binding them up in a way that suppresses assimilation.
Who knew? Perhaps, my nutritionist, iridologist. When I began changing my diet in order to get healthy; she told me to eat my fruit separate from other foods.
If you would like to read the whole article about blueberries, go to this website
I think you will be truly amazed.