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October 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  Take some time this season to be thankful for family and friends, and to be grateful for what you have or, perhaps, do not have.  The fall season provides us with such a beautiful array of colours to enjoy; and as I write this, it is a warm, bright, sunny day here in Sidney, B.C.

Last Tuesday, I went for my annual check-up at the cancer clinic.  I am happy to report that I am still cancer free or in remission as they like to say.  My blood work was excellent and I do not have to see my oncologist for another year.  Too bad, really, I like him.  He understands me and I so appreciated his working with me to eradicate cancer from my body.  While another oncologist, would not listen to my alternative suggestions, he did.  He may not have totally agreed with me; but at the same time he did not disagree.  I believe he is now seeing the fruits of my labour.  Even though my immune system has been compromised, it is now strong.  Working with young children every day: I am quite healthy and do not get the many colds and flu that seem to be going around.  

This thanksgiving, once again, I realize how great it is to be alive and am truly thankful for all the blessings that I have.  Some have said that I was robbed during those years from 2001 to 2006 when I was dealing with the cancer.  Looking back, I don't see it that way.  It was definitely a difficult time in my life and brought many challenges.  But, I have learned so much about how to take care of myself, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I believe that I have gained a deeper respect for life and the things that truly matter, like family and friends.  The work-a-holic in me is gone and I am not the perfectionist that I once was.  I have also learned to say, "No!" when it just isn't right for me. 

Another Use for Duct Tape

You have probably heard this before; but there is acutally a study from Cincinnati Children's Hospital that shows that common duct tape is significantly more effective in curing common warts than the standard treatment of liquid nitrogen.

Most dermatologists treat warts by applying liquid nitrogen until the warts turn white and then a painful blister forms raising the wart to the top of the blister. The authors treated half their wart patients by applying liquid nitrogen to each wart for 10 seconds every 2-3 weeks for a maximum of 6 treatments. The other half were treated by applying duct tape directly to the wart for a maximum of two months. The cure rate for the duct tape was 85 percent, while the cure rate for liquid nitrogen was 60 percent. The duct tape, or any other tape, macerates the wart so that blood vessels grow into it, allowing the body's immune system to kill the wart. Children with multiple warts have a much lower cure rate with liquid nitrogen.

This came from Dr. Mirkins's ezine at 

Walnuts! Who Knew?

My last post talked about how good nuts can be for us.  Further to that post, I would like to discuss the value of walnuts, especially if you are concerned about bone health. 

Walnuts are packed full of nutrients.  Just a quarter cup of walnuts yields over 2.25 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, almost 95% of the recommended daily value. In comparison, four ounces of salmon, which is one of the best omega-3 sources, gives you just over 85%.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are key for their anti-inflammatory effects.  EFAs are also known to be important for cardiovascular health, cognitive functions, healthy skin and hair, blood pressure, adrenal and thyroid activity, and even blood clotting.  Wow! 

What does EFAs have to do with bone health?  Well, EFA omega-3 increases calcium absorption, reduces urinary calcium excretion, increases calcium deposition in bone, and improves bone strength by enhancing collagen synthesis. 

Walnuts are also an excellent source of boron, copper, and manganese, all of which are important in good bone health as well.  We need only minute amounts of these trace minerals, but lacking them can have significant effects.

The above information came from a newsletter from Vivian Goldschmidt about osteoporosis and osteopeenia.  She has some really interesting information regarding these conditions.  Having been told that I was osteopeenic in 2000, I am always conscientious about building bone strength; especially after taking some chemotherapy a few years ago.   You can access her site at and find out more in regards to bone health.

In the mean time, enjoy some walnuts unless of course you are allergic to them.  In that case, try flax seeds or salmon to increase your EFAs.