Are we accumlating wealth only to spend it on our health?
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Do you brush your skin?

When I had lymphoma cancer, one of the things I used to do regularly was skin brushing.  I read that it was important to keep the lymphatic system moving and not let it remain sluggish, as it often is with many cancers.  So I did it, along with bouncing on a rebounder.  However, I haven't been as faithful lately.  But, after watching the following video on you tube, I am reminded again of the importance for everyone, not just me or people like me who have or have had cancer.  This video correctly describes how to skin brush and why.  The information that she gives is life giving.  You can copy and paste the following link in your browser and I hope you do.



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with many cancers. So I did it, along with bouncing on a rebounder. However, I haven't been as faithful lately. But, after watching the following video on you tube, I am reminded again of the importance for everyone, not just me or people like me who have or have had cancer. This video correctly describes how

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