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November 2013


I just realized that I have mentioned Uganda in one or two of my posts; but have not explained what is happening.  I am taking the opportunity to go a 3rd world country and bless the people there. I am traveling with another couple and will be joined by a second couple in the new year, Jan 2nd.

We are leaving on Dec. 24th and I will be returning on Jan. 21st.  We will be spending a day in London, England on the way over, Christmas day, in fact.  Then, we will arrive at Entebbe airport in Uganda on the 26th and spend the night and next day in Kampala, to buy supplies for the school and to bless the people.  Then, we will drive to Mityana, Uganda where we will be staying for the next 2 weeks.  I will be visiting the children of King's Kids school and will most likely be assisting the teachers.  I have been given permission to come into the classrooms and teach whenever. 

Then, we will be traveling to South Sudan, where we will spend a week among the people in a little village called Wakatujong.   We will also be visiting a leper colony and taking much needed supplies to them as well.  The last week will be spend back in Mityana and then I return home.

I know that this trip will be a stretch for me, emotionally, spiritually and physically.  But, I am looking forward to the challenge and growing in my awareness of what the great commission is really all about, to go into all the world and spread the message of God's love through Jesus.

I have set up a separate blog.&#0160; If you would like to read about my trip. Go to;&#0160;</p>




My vegan diet

Well, it has been a few weeks now into my vegan diet again.  I feel terrific, but I have lost 10 lbs.  Yeah!  some would say.  Not so for me.  I have lost it on my face and now it seems I have even more wrinkles than before!  Ugh!  So, what to do.  Get good quality products to plump up wrinkles?  Maybe!  Drink more water to hydrate my skin?  I'm already drinking about 2 litres a day.  That's enough visits to the bathroom!  Build more muscle weight to compensate?  Working on that.   

The funny thing about being on a vegan diet for me is I don't feel hungry.  My stomach shrinks, at least it must on the inside. I don't see evidence on the outside.  So, consequently, I don't eat enough and when I do I fill up quickly.   Aha!  I need a timer that tells me to eat often throughout the day.  I was carrying around energy bars or supposedly healthy food bars; but they are so high in sugar.  I'm going to have to work this out somehow, especially before I go to Uganda.  Apparently, people who go lose weight.  Yikes!

That's enough rambling for now.