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October 2015

Fantastic News!

I have some news that is just so great that you probably will wonder why I have not posted it before now.  But approximately 3 weeks ago I had a CT scan.  The results were that there is no new activity in my body.  The tumours that were there, spotted in 2013, have shrunk significantly.  This is just the best news.

In October of 2013, I had a CT scan that revealed that some small cancer tumours had returned in the lower abdomen area, in my lymph nodes.  I was going to Africa in January 2014.  I didn't tell anyone and just trusted that I would be fine.  When I returned, I began the Budwig program of cottage cheese and flax oil along with Barley Max, juicing and Beta1-3D glucan.  I cut back on meat consumption, but not entirely and of course cut out most sugar, white products, etc. I do have a sweet tooth.

And now here is the result, 2 years later.  Cancer is not a death sentence.  I feel fantastic and people tell me I look great!  (Who are they kidding?)  Seriously, though it pays to take care of yourself and put whole foods in your body.  It helps that my husband loves to garden and so I know where a lot of my produce comes from.

When I eat meat, I buy grass fed beef, organic free range chicken (and eggs) and salmon, that my husband catches.

As I mentioned, I do have a sweet tooth and will share in another post what I have just learned about sugar and fruit.