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Living With Cancer!

Words Carry Power

“We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.”- Winston Churchill

How many times have we said something and then wished we hadn't?  I believe it is especially important to watch what we say when we have a cancer diagnosis or any type of disease.   When we think and speak negatively, it affects how we act and view any situation.  Take for instance the person who has been told, after a cancer diagnosis, that he/she has only a certain amount of time left to live.  True to the doctors words, often people will die within the given time frame.  Why is that?   No one can really know; but I believe that they took those words "to heart".  Perhaps, they felt hopeless.  Speaking negatively about a situation just comes naturally to us because it is human nature. To speak positively about a situation requires a deliberate decision.  What we need to understand is that whatever we say is a reflection of our heart attitude.  In other words, our words are simply an overflow of what is in our heart.  If I am going to think poorly about my situation, I will speak poorly about it.  On the other hand, if I think positively about my situation, I will speak positively about it. 

There is good advice here as well for the person who is supporting someone.  Be careful that you do not speak negative thoughts that would place an extra burden on the one who is ill.  Be ready with positive words that will strengthen and encourage.


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