God is Good!
September 01, 2020
Wow! So much to be thinking about these days and so much to be distracted by. It seems we are seeing so many signs of the end time being fulfilled right before our eyes. There is so much lawlessness, wickedness and deception all around us. We can scarcely take it in, let alone try to understand it all.
These are tough times for everyone, but especially for people who thrive on close relationships; those who love to hug and spend time with their friends and family. Science has proved that a hormone called oxytocin is realeased when people interact with one another, especially through hugs. It is produced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. It has been called the "love hormone" or "cuddle chemical" because of its importance in human behaviours. We are being deprived of this day after day. Depression, suicide and drug overdoses have increased in the general populations according to articles that I have read. If you have cancer, more than likely, you are also feeling the effects as people avoid you, because of Covid.
To add to that, how sad it is that during Covid, so many elderly people are being denied this very important hormone. Many in nursing homes have just given up and are dying of broken hearts. They are missing the human touch.
My mom is 93, and has a type of dementia. She is very confused about what is happening these days. I live on the west coast and she lives in Ontario. She says she is very lonely. No one comes to visit her anymore; but she doesn't understand why. She has lots of family close by; but no one wants her to get sick. She loved a day program at a local nursing home; but of course it was stopped because of Covid. She tells me sometimes, she doesn't know what she has to live for. She has a housekeeper who comes and also brings groceries; but she wears a mask and keeps her distance. Usually, I fly out and spend a couple of weeks with her around her birthday; but of course that did not happen this year.
You may be wondering why I entitled my post God is Good! That is because He is, of course! In spite of everything that is happening, God's love for us is undeniable. I look around me and I see His goodness, everywhere! Our vegetable garden has yielded a lot of food for our freezer. We have a fig tree, apple tree and pear tree. All of them have produced a good crop this year. I have been able to be home more and have actually enjoyed retirement. My husband and I have both enjoyed some quality time together. I call my mom, everyday and sometimes twice. I have enjoyed long walks with my dog. My husband and I both enjoy good health. My mom's program is starting up again.
But more than that, whatever the future brings, I know we are not alone. God will never leave us or forsake us. I know God is for us, so who can be against us! His mercy and grace follow us every where we go. I know He wants us to live an abundant life, a life that is full. Just what does that mean, well, I believe it is internal, certainly not external. And because it is internal, no one can take that away from us. He gives us the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and against these thing there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23) No matter what happens around us, we can be satisfied in Him.
Our lives may be falling apart but this one thing is true, God is good. Everything God does is for our good and His glory. We were made to know and love Him. He delights in us. He delights in you.
I just listened to a beautiful song tonight that someone sent to me, entitled "Belovedness" by Sarah Kroger. Here are the words to the chorus! "You're mine. I smiled when I made you. I find you beautiful in everyway. My love for you is fierce and unending. I'll come to find you, whatever it takes. My beloved. It's time to own you're belovedness." Check it out!
God is Good!